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super noisy air handler

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 3:51 pm
by beau55
I have a 2 year MH with an intertherm m1g (5 ton ac). When it runs, it is unbelievably loud, really quite unacceptable. The unit is in an alcove in the hallway. I'm trying to see what my options are for reducing the noise and improving filtration. The filtration is a pretty lame design; a poorly fitting horse hair filter,.

Would another brand be any quieter, or is it just the location? I've been in other homes with a similar setup and never notice the noise. Do you have any suggestions?

RE: super noisy air handler

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 12:11 am
by Robert

Without being there, can only suggest calling an hvac tech to be sure it is operating correctly and is installed correctly.

Some are louder than others, but none are as quiet as in a conventional home.

The filter is hogs hair and is a very good filter, but should not be loose fitting.

What is complete model number ?
