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Coleman Presidential 6806A Electrical Q

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2011 6:23 pm
by Yardpilot
Still on the planet. Anyhoo, living in a '74 Homette 24x40 (Or so it claims. It measures 36x24). Crossover is beasty shredded, and naturally the "professional" setup people that put it together here 20+ years ago wrapped the flex crossover around the piers they placed right in its route. No matter, I'm going to replace it with rigid with a twist or two. Did the skirting, dug up and ran new plumbing for the well, new phone cable, buncha other stuff this year. Getting lean and mean. :D

My actual question is if there is a way to set up the furnace to use either heat/blower combined or blower by itself? If I could use the blower by itself it would help circulate warm air from the wood stove. Got a ceiling fan in place (real good trick with this structure). That helps a lot. We ventilate so much heat in the winter we show up as a thermal bloom on satellites. Just waiting to hear from Homeland Security. Dumping some of that heat under the house would be useful.


Still kicking.

Re: Coleman Presidential 6806A Electrical Q

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 11:40 am
by Mark

If you're unit has a switch that allows you to turn to 'fan', then you're all set. You can then use this thermostat to turn on the blower in timed intervals to move air. ... lower-ctrl
