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Skirting Base

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:08 pm
by StanD
Is the base track of the skirting supposed to sit on the ground? In this case it's all dirt.

The previous owner put rock around the skirting and the rock pushed the skirting in at the base.

I pulled the rock back and the skirting hangs in the air with what looks like nails (now rusted) driven into the ground to hold the skirting base in place.

My plan is to pull the skirting out, secure the base and then add a 2X6 the length of the skirting to keep the rock from pushing on the skirting.


Re: Skirting Base

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:47 pm
by Greg
Depending on your location, there are a few ways you can go. If you are in an area that freezes you may want to dig a trench and let the skirting hang in the trench, fill the trench with pea gravel. That method will minimize the effect of ground heave when the ground freezes & thaws.

If you are in a warm area you can stake your 2x6 to the ground and attach the skirt to it.

I am sure others will have ideas as well.


Re: Skirting Base

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:53 am
by joedirt63
hello, I have done this to 3 homes ,mine and my daughters and it seems to be working. because the house is located on the bootom of a mountain we have huge water run off issue. i had water running under my home and around the footings. I dug a channel around the skirting base and put in a 3 inch french drain system i made my self. after i back filled it will stone ,i used pressure treated out door grade 4x4 and set and level them end to end on top of the stone, reset the lower channel for the skirting and reinstalled the skirting, had trim trim the panels to allow for the extra height and the frost.heave. so far last 2 winters aveerage. temp 20 - 30 degrees. skirting all stayed in place very little movement., plus the 4x4 adds excelant protection against weed wacker carnage of the skirting.

Re: Skirting Base

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 1:31 am
by canman47
Mine was nailed to the ground also. The nails rusted away and then animals pushed their way in. I'm now putting pressure treated 4x4's all around and fastening the lower track to that. With skirting you have to make sure it can move either at the top or bottom. Mobile homes move a little especially where the ground freezes so if you attach it firmly top and bottom it will collapse or tear apart. Mine attaches firmly to the bottom track and slips in the upper track. The suggestion for hanging the bottom in a gravel trench allows it to move at the bottom.

Re: Skirting Base

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 3:01 pm
by UmpJJ
After 9 years of the "cheap" skirting that cracked, warped, tore, and blew out regularly, last month after we moved I installed Rapid Wall skirting (google it). The old skirting was also nailed into the ground with foot-long landscaping spikes and just never held up well. I set the Rapid Wall on pressure treated 4 X 4's which I spiked into the ground with 24" lengths of rebar. I couldn't use the pea gravel base because the area is low and fills with water, and I thought if that froze I wouldn't get any movement at the bottom, so I have it "floating" in the top skirting track. I'll let you know how it holds up.
I like the idea of the the french drain system, and may try that once Spring rolls around again. I've already seen some water between the runners under the trailer and over the long haul that probably doesn't bode well for moisture damage to the bottom of the trailer.