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Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:00 pm
by tinyone
:cry: Yes, that's right. We've had high winds, fairly heavy rain, & water has gotten in my Coleman furnace. Not a lot, but enough. This has happened twice before. I do have a service agreement with my heat provider, but I still have to fork out $100.00 (each) to cover the circuit board. I prob. should have had someone on the roof to look at it, but again, both my car & furnace went out recently, not to mention a death in the family. Anyway, the furnace guy said after initially looking at it the last time, that he would be back w/the required circuit board, & he would check it out for me, (on the roof the metal/chimney-like vent thingie. So, I guess I'll have to be w/o heat for now. I do have a small space heater. Which I now have (on fan only) blowing air into the furnace area to try & dry it (I'm keeping an eye on it). I've really never had this prob. before, I hope I'm makin' sense here, I'm pretty upset. I know prob. nothing can be done, but thanks for listening, take care. :x
update: there's a like straight pipe thing, so maybe it's missing a part.
Also there's a piece of siding hanging off my house

RE: HELP-water/furnace!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:45 pm
by Harry

What state are you in? Lots of bad weather around the country.

Sorry you are having problems.


Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:58 pm
by tinyone
Hi, I'm in IL. Yes, I know, lots of really bad weather.

RE: HELP-water/furnace!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:12 pm
by Yanita

Your furnace question, if you are seeking repair info will need to be posted in the HVAC forums. Robert is an excellent tech and might be able to guide you through what needs to be done. Please be sure to read the posting tips on the main page of the HVAC forums and answer all questions that are applicable.

The siding question has been addressed in another post so I am going to move this to Off Topic, please follow there.


RE: HELP-water/furnace!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:26 pm
by tinyone ... e62e71594b
I posted in the Heating Forum.
Sorry, I guess when you have no heat, flapping siding things can get confused..

RE: HELP-water/furnace!

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:31 pm
by Yanita

Great, Robert hopefully can assit you.

I did not see it as I seldom moderate the HVAC forums. Only direct people there when they post HVAC in the repair forums. :D
