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FYI- heat ducts

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:29 pm
by curlylocks
I just wanted to share a situation that I encountered recently, if it seems like you are using more oil/propane this heating season... be sure that you check your heat ducts on the inside of your home also.

I ran into an issue where I found out that the seams inside (not sure of the correct term) but the square that is within the hole that your heat register sits on top of.. In my 1987 mh, the metal that connects to the main ductwork had worked loose, in one area I could reach my hand down the side of the sheet metal .. and the box down inside the heat vent had seperated from the main duct that runs the length of the home.

So my FYI to you is check those connections & seams inside (for lack of a better word) the register holes??? I took a metallic backed tape and re-enforced all the seams within the register box and the connections to the main duct, you will need to clean them first so that the tape will adhere.

I was amazed at the amount of heat I was losing, after my fix, it seemed like I had 3x more airflow out of the register.

I'm sure I will save some $$$ now that I am not also heating the great outdoors! :shock: :shock:

Re: FYI- heat ducts

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:57 am
by Yanita
Thanks Curly for sharing your info. Many of us here know that information but there are many that do not. Use the foil back tape, (as Curly mentioned) if you use duct tape it will rot within the year.

I also had to secure the sheet vinyl to the floor around the vent this home seems the heat/AC was going under the vinyl. I used the tape making sure to keep it under the vent cover edge so it was not visible. Big difference there also.

Again, thanks for the FYI!


Re: FYI- heat ducts/Yanita

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:47 pm
by curlylocks
Just a p.s., the propane man came today I guess the opening in my duct had been there a while...
( holds head while sobbing) in 4 weeks I used 144 gallons of propane to the tune of $406.00 dollars for a month of heat..
Propane is quite expensive here. I am thinking about getting a pellet insert for my fireplace.