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Remodel or Replace

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:29 am
by samkind100
Hi everyone,

I recently bought a 1984 mobile home at lake Eufaula, ok. I only use it for recreational purposes. I made some major work by replacing Vinyl flooring the kitchen\dinning area, put in new kitchen cabinets and a used (over-sized) packaged unit with a flex duct attached to the existing metal duct-work. The previous owner was a cheap fellow who cut corner on all previous repairs on the mobile home. I tolerated the place in the last two years, but I'm now growing sick of it (literally, with the mold smell that seem to bother me more than anyone else.)
The master bed\bathroom flooring is now rotting and need replacement. The popcorn ceiling in the bathroom is slightly sagging (sign of previous leak from the bathroom vent.) the underbelly is pretty much gone in two large areas from previous water leak. The outer roof shingles need to be replaced, the storm windows are falling apart, all the interior and exterior doors need to be re-framed and doors replaced, new carpets, and much more... All in all, it seem that I was fortunate to have mobile home neighbors who are able to provide advice, like replacing my shingle roof with metal, replace all the flooring, remove the whole underbelly and insulation to eliminate mold odor, then insulate the skirting instead, replace the metal ductwork with flexible duct, replace old plumbing pipes with Pex pipe, etc.., etc..
All these repairs suggestion are good but addup quickly... So my question to you, has anyone done a cost benefit analysis on remodeling (from the ground up) a 20+ years old MH vs purchasing a new or used one? Let me clear something up. I’m still paying the mortgage on this MH property and would like the cheaper way out. Something to consider, I can tolerate cheesy looks but I CANNOT tolerate the smell. I can almost get a headache just thinking about being there. My wife thinks that I’m exaggerating or blame my smoking. :x
I’m hoping that someone has been thru my pain and can share his\her experience.
Thank you

Re: Remodel or Replace

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:41 am
by Greg
Hi & welcome. Many of us here have done what you are considering. The best advise I can give is to go through and add up the costs of what you know you will need, add 50% and weigh it against the cost of a new home.

We totally gutted our daughter's home down to the studs & joists. It was a few years ago and for some reason $8K comes to mind, but that included doors, windows, plumbing, fixtures electrical, just about everything. Took about 8 months of nights & weekends. Greg

Re: Remodel or Replace

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:15 pm
by Brenda (OH)
You and your wife may both be right on the smoking/mold stuff....
cigarettes contain mold, and you can become mold sensitive that way....
there may be mold in the home, and you, the sensitized one... are the only one to smell it...

You can become allergic to nicotine, and when you are reacting to the nicotine, you react more easily to the mold... ( I just found out one of my family members could not use the nicotine patches because he was allergic to nicotine, yet he smoked... life is weird)

if you do demolish areas with mold, get a cartridge mask that is rated for mold, and wear it, it makes a huge difference.

get a neti pot, and rinse your sinuses out with saline before bedtime, while at the home, and you may be able to stay healthy while solving the homes issues.

are you paying off the trailer, or the land? if it is just the land, it may make even more sense to replace the home

zoning... are you even allowed to replace the home? and with what? might be only allowed to put a 2000 or newer home on it... pricey....

Brenda (OH)

Re: Remodel or Replace

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:28 pm
by curlylocks
Maybe you can find a good deal on a newer model that is a repo, not sure about your area but try a google search on repo manufactured homes. I've seen some great deals.

Re: Remodel or Replace

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 10:51 pm
by samkind100
Thank you all for your reply.. Glad to read that I'm not alone and others were faced with the same proposition at some point in time.
The MH is actually located in 1 acre land. This is not a park or home edition. There is no Covenant or zoning of any sort- I checked :)
Let's suppose that I want to remodel by gutting down to the studs and joists. What should I inspect or look for to eliminate any unforeseen surprises and ensure that the MH structure is sound. Thank you

Re: Remodel or Replace

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 8:06 am
by Greg
The first thing to look for is rot, often in a home that age the Rim joist will be rotted in a few places. they can be repaired, not a real hard job but it does take time.

With the walls open you can check for any leaks from the roof & windows.

Next look at the plumbing, septic & Electrical.

Remember to check the home and make sure it is level before starting the rebuild. Use a water level. Greg