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washing machine drain hose

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:55 am
by creekside
the washing machine has its back against an outside side wall and the main drain pipe to connect to is more to the centre and has a couple of joists and a duct between it and the washing machine. The wash room is in the centre of the trailer across the hallway. How can one connect? All i see is going outside of the underbelly as the steel beam is there holding up the joists as well. Even if I drilled through the joists the duct work is there. Looks impossible.

Re: washing machine drain hose

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:38 pm
by Greg
Impossible?? NEVER!!! It may be difficult, but I know it CAN be done.

There are a few options, and since it is the washer it may be easier. Is it possible to tie into the main pipe that drops into the ground? Can you open the wall tie into the drain and go diagonally to the corner closest to the washer?

I am sure others will add their ideas as well.


Re: washing machine drain hose

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 4:50 am
by DaveyB
Since the washer is no longer in the wash room, think of this as two separate projects:

The washer is going to go here and there is no plumbing for it. Install the plumbing for the hot and cold water, as well as the drainage, using the most economical route to the supply lines and the main drain. This will probably not be the "easy" connection to the existing lines, since it may be quicker and much cheaper to tie into the main lines at a different point.

The existing washer hookups are now redundant - cancel them out by cutting them off at the main supply line. The same goes for the drainage line, it should be ripped out and cancelled at the main effluent line. Why go the extra step? I know a guy named Murphy who will guarantee that any redundant water line you leave will leak, and any sewage line will start to give off some nasty smells.

Granted, this may add some cost to your project initially, but it's a lot cheaper than fixing the resulting problems later. A leaking water line may go unnoticed for several months, while your water bill keeps creeping up, and black mould on the sheet rock is a bugger to get rid of!